The members of the Sharma lab have conducted forestry and ecological research in diverse forest types of the United States and India. Most of our current research, however, has focused on applied forest ecology and restoration of southern pine ecosystems. Research at the Sharma lab covers a wide variety of topics related to even-aged and uneven-aged silviculture, disturbance ecology, long-term stand dynamics, and restoration of southern pine forests. Some of the primary research questions we address include: “Can southern pines be sustainably managed using uneven-aged silviculture?” “What are the implications of alternative forest management options on carbon sequestration, diversity, and productivity?” “How to restore groundcover diversity and structural complexity in degraded forest ecosystems?” “How do the forests respond to windstorm damages and how quickly can they be restored?” "How do the large-scale hydrological manipulations affect forest ecosystems in floodplains" and “How can we effectively control nuisance species, such as titi, in pine flatwoods for habitat and wetland restoration?”